DesignWorks Project Management Site


Designworks Project Management site is an open source web based groupware tool designed for design and creative related firms and freelancers to use to manage their projects and collaborate with clients. It is built in PHP and MySQL and can run on any *nix based webserver (and probably windows too). It does not attempt to impliment every possible feature under the planet. Rather, an attempt is made to streamline the interface and make it as easy to use for clients, designers and administrators.

The project is still in a alpha or beta stage at this point, but is quite usable. Unforteneatly, I have no real experience writing a php based installer, but this feature is planned for the future.

  • Multiple Users
  • Multiple Projects
  • Easily manage users and projects
  • Show work to clients as text and image
  • Share files with clients
  • Clients can share files with you
  • Calendar including seperate views of month, day, week, event, and list
  • Prints cleanly using stylesheets
  • XHTML 1.0 Transitional HTML
  • Open Source
Current Work
Current Work - View
Current Work - View
Current Work - Add
Current Work - Add
Current Work - Archives
Current Work - Archives
File Exchange
File Exchange - Download
File Exchange - Download
File Exchange - Upload
File Exchange - Upload
Schedule - Month
Schedule - Month
Schedule - Week
Schedule - Week
Schedule - Day
Schedule - Day
Schedule - List
Schedule - List
Schedule - Add Event
Schedule - Add Event
Team Bios
Team Bios
Team Bios
Admin - Add User
Admin - Add User
Admin - Modify User
Admin - Modify User
Admin - Add Project
Admin - Add Project
Admin - Modify Project
Admin - Modify Project Logo

Updated January 23, 2003.